Rise & Shine
Radiance Retreat

— Participant Resources 2022 —


[ Staying Connected ]


[ Diagrams ]

Sun Sal Mantras.jpg
Chakra Chart.jpg

[ Music + Meditation ]


Dosha Embodiment Practice from Sound Healing Evening

I Feel Good - James Brown

Circle of Women from Storytelling Campfire Evening


[Ayurveda Resoures]

For additional learning about the Six Tastes and eating to balance your Body Dosha, click here.

At the end of this article, you can also click “All articles by Monica Graves” to access the entire Ayurveda Education series that was authored exclusively for basmati.com.


For additional products, oils and healing tools - check out our favorite vendor Banyan Botanicals.



[ Quotes + Chants ]


Emotional freedom; liberation from samsara.



The powerful mantra "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha" is used to inspire transformation. With roots in Hinduism, it is thought to call upon the energy of Ganesh —the elephant-headed deity who is widely revered as the remover of obstacles and lord of beginnings. Let's break down what each part of this mantra represents:

  • Om: Om, or aum, is the sound that represents the birth of the universe and the connection between all living beings.

  • Gam: Gam is the sound of the root chakra and it's thought to awaken energy at the base of the spine. According to Kundalini yoga, Ganesh resides in the first chakra, the root chakra, or Muladhara. Mula means "original," and adhara means "foundation," so the Muladhara chakra forms the root that supports our energy and action.

  • Ganapataye: Another name for Ganesh, the deity who removes obstacles. (For pronunciation, watch the video below.)

  • Namaha: A salutation, similar to namaste.

For a more detailed description of this mantra, [click here].


bhagavad gita

The Indweller - the Self, Atma - remains unaffected by worldly changes.

Weapons cannot cut it.
Fire cannot burn it.
Wind cannot dry it.
Water cannot wet it.

It is eternal and changeless.
It is unborn and never dies.
It is the groundstate of your existence.
It is the essence of who you are.

~ Combined excerpt from various translations of the Gita



It requires
and courage
to see through
a new lens…
To fathom that
you may actually
be so much more
than your name,
your personality,
your appearance
I dare you
to go there…

~ Excerpt from the book by Jenna Ramondo



[ Recipes ]


blessed to cook
recipe book by dava

As we receive additional recipes from Jeff, we will add to this page. Check back for updates!


[ Recommended Reading ]